Frequently Asked Questions
How do I find the closest Al-Anon meeting?
There are a variety of ways to locate an Al-Anon meeting closest to your home. You can obtain meeting information from the home page of our area website ( Select the menu item “find a meeting” located at the top of the home page. From that page, you will be able to find meetings by city, day and time, district or zip code. Meeting information is also available through the World Service Office: Phone – 1-888-425-2666 Website –
How do I find a contact telephone number?
Al-Anon and Alateen contact information may be obtained from Al-Anon Information Services. The toll-free number is 1- 888-425-2666.
Do I have to pay to attend Al-Anon?
No, you do not have to pay to attend an Al-Anon meeting. There are no dues or fees to attend Al-Anon or Alateen meetings. Your attendance, rather than donation, is of primary importance. Each Al-Anon group is self-supporting and members may choose to donate money in order to cover group expenses such as rent. Therefore, you may see that a basket is either passed or left on the meeting table for voluntary donations. At no time should you feel compelled to contribute in order to attend an Al-Anon meeting.
What does anonymity mean in Al-Anon?
Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, every reminding us to place principles above personalities.
It is very important to the Al-Anon fellowship that the names of people attending meetings are not revealed to anyone outside the meeting. All of us need a place to feel secure; a place that we can share freely what is in our hearts and minds without fear of gossip or criticism. Anonymity means that everything said in a meeting and member-to-member is held in confidence.
Can I attend meetings alone or do I need a member of Al -Anon to invite me?
You may attend an Al-Anon meeting alone. Al-Anon meetings are open to anyone who has been affected by the disease of alcoholism. Whether the alcoholic is a spouse, sibling, parent, significant other, or friend – you are welcome. You do not need a member to invite you to the meetings or to attend the meetings with you. Al-Anon offers you a warm welcome along with the hope of peace and serenity whether the alcoholic is still drinking or not.
What is the requirement for membership in Al-Anon?
Al-Anon is open to anyone who has been affected by another’s drinking. You are welcome whether the alcoholic is a member of your family, significant other, or friend. You are the only one who can decide if Al-Anon is right for you. Members will not ask you to identify the alcoholic or to explain your reasons for attending a meeting. We do suggest that you attend more than one meeting, in order to become familiar with the program, before making a decision if Al- Anon attendance will be of benefit to you.
How long are the meetings?
Most Al-Anon meetings last for approximately one hour.
Are babysitters available during the meeting?
The decision to have babysitters available during an Al-Anon meeting is one that is made by each group. Prior to attending the meeting, you may want to contact the group to determine if children are welcome to attend.
Do I need to bring anything?
No, you do not need to bring anything to a meeting. Most groups have Al-Anon conference approved literature available for use during the meeting. An open heart and mind are the best resources available to those of us whose lives have been affected by the family disease of alcoholism.